Our Curriculum

We have recently changed our curriculum so we have even more focus on the prime areas of learning; Personal, Social and Emotional development, Communication and Language development and Physical development.

We will focus on one area of development per term;

  • Spring term – Communication and language
  • Summer term – Physical Education
  • Autumn term – Personal, Social and Emotional development

Most children will be taking part in daily small group activities where we will focus on that area of development. We plan our activities based on children’s interests and next steps (what we are currently working on to develop), and we offer a wide range of activities.

Within our curriculum, we will also be including the following;

  • Colour monster (a book about emotions, visited every term)
  • Chinese New Year
  • Growing
  • Quirks
  • School Readiness
  • Halloween
  • Fireworks
  • Religious Festivals

If there are any other celebrations/festivals that you celebrate as a family, please let us know and we would be more than happy to fit it into our curriculum.

We will continue to share with you some of the children’s learning through Tapestry and encourage you to share with us anything that they get up to at home.