SEND Information Report

We are fully committed to the integration of children with additional needs and we ensure our provision is inclusive to all children, mainstream (60%) and SEND (40%). Staff are experienced and trained to manage a wide range of needs including tube feeding, autism, sensory and physical needs.  All staff are first aid trained to Level 3.

We aim to work in partnership with all of our families and to provide an environment where children can grow, play and learn together, giving all children the opportunity to reach their full potential.

What support will Stepping Stones provide for your child?
  • We will identify the specific needs of children with additional needs and meet those needs through staff knowledge and expertise and recommendations from outside agencies. We will work with health professionals eg speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and the specialist teacher team who are involved with your child. Through a range of SEN strategies e.g. Makaton signing, PECS (picture exchange communication system), Good Beginnings and behaviour management.

  • We will provide a range of activities to meet all needs within our nursery.  We have a range of cause and effect toys, we have targeted activities to encourage communication and to promote social understanding and life skills. We have a soft play and sensory room where children can access a ball pool, a range of soft play and a sensory room with an LED light column, fibre optics, an infinity tunnel, a light tunnel and a sound reacting light system and a range of light and sound toys which stimulates the senses.

  • The outside enclosed area has equipment fully adapted to meet the physical and neurological needs of our children. We have slopes instead of steps, a wheelchair round-a-bout and various swing seats/boat/hammock. Equipment and activities to stimulate imagination, communication and social/life skills. We have a sensory garden for children to enjoy and opportunities to experience both sand and water.  

  • Several members of staff are SENCO’s (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) and the nursery manager attends local cluster meetings and update meetings to ensure the nursery is kept up to date with current legislation and guidance. 

      What expertise do we have in the nursery?

      We will ensure that the provision for children with additional needs is the responsibility of all members of staff. 

      All staff have paediatric first aid training, Staff have attended training in Paediatric Gastrostomy awareness, Paediatric Epilepsy awareness and administration of rectal diazepam/Buccal Midazolam, Makaton, PECS (picture exchange communication system) and Autism and how to use an adrenalin auto injector.

      Staff work with therapists to deliver physio programmes and engage regularly with Occupational therapists to ensure the children have their correct seating/equipment.  Training is given and staff signed off by a health professional. 

      Staff are either NNEB trained, level 4 advanced diploma in child care and education or have a NVQ Level 2 or Level 3 in child care.  

      How will we monitor your child?

      We will use the graduated approach for identifying, assessing and responding to children’s individual needs.  

      Staff training will be signed off to the individual needs for each SEND child if they have a medical need.

      Your child will have two named key workers to ensure a shared knowledge in case of illness to ensure your child’s individual needs are met and a continuity of care is given. Your child’s key worker will observe and devise with you an educational plan to meet their individual needs (One Planning).

      You will have access to your child’s individual online Tapestry account which is a learning journey which will record through photo’s and text your child’s day and details of their next steps. You will be invited to termly reviews and you will have an opportunity to talk with your child’s key worker on a daily basis.

      Your child’s support plan will identify the outcomes, how we are going to help them achieve and what resources we will need. 

      We will attend all professionals meetings e.g. Team Around the Family (TAF) and Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) meetings. We will attend any meetings/hospital appointments you would like support with.  

      Who is responsible for SEN provision within the nursery?

      Group Coordinator:
      Supports parents, ensures all outside agency support is in place.  Advises on what financial support is available to parents and helps with form filling. If needed will attend meetings with parents, supporting them in their requests to meet their child’s needs. Overseeing all Support Plans and training, advising staff when necessary. 

      Deputy coordinator:

      • Supports families with SEND children
      • Starting in Tots group through to monitoring One Planning for all SEND children & EHCP support for staff and families.
      • Supports staff with updating One Plans termly and strategies for outcomes
      • Attends meetings with families, outcome meetings, transitions into school meetings and visits.
      • Supports staff through staff supervisions and offering knowledge and guidance on child development.

      Nursery Manager:

      • Supports management
      • Runs Nursery floor
      • Manages key persons and supports activities offering knowledge on development stages in the – Birth to Five working document.
      • Securing all training opportunities for staff
      • Organising resources needed to support all children’s development.

      Early Years Lead:

      • Supports Nursery Manager to run nursery floor
      • Manage staff meetings
      • Take the lead on delivery of all Birth to Five development needs with all children.
      • Different strategies for children with SEND
      • Monitors all Tapestry children’s learning journeys.
      • Supports all staff with any development issues or SEND with all children.
      • Supports staff with resources to deliver learning to children successfully.
      How do we ensure the nursery is fully accessible to your child?

      We liaise with the physiotherapists and occupational therapists involved with your child, assessment takes place within the nursery to ensure all correct equipment e.g. chair, standing frame etc. are ordered through education to enable your child to full access all activities.

      Tables can be raised or lowered so your child’s chair can fit enabling your child to access activities with their peers. Quiet areas with little distraction for opportunities of one-to-one work. 

      The nursery has toilets, a commode and potties and a hydrolic changing bench.  

      Outside we have slopes instead of steps. All equipment is accessible to all needs. Wheelchair round-a-bout, various swings, harnesses for safety, raised garden areas. Ramps into playhouses, wide door openings. 

      How does the nursery prepare your child for transition to either mainstream or special school?

      The coordinator will liaise with education to support your child’s transition into your chosen school.

      A plan will be put in place whereby arrangements will be made for your child’s key worker to take your child on visits to the school to pass on all necessary information and for your child to become familiar with their new surroundings and people. Extra school visits will ne arranged when needed and if possible.

      Photos will be taken of the new school and teachers etc to make a transition book.

      If required, information will be given to families to access school transport, and support will be given to ensure taxi provision to transport your child is put in place if needed

      How do we ensure your child’s voice is heard?

      Through a range of learning aids to help them indicate a choice, through observation on what your child likes or dislikes and to monitor reactions within their environment. To listen and observe.

      How will we support parents?

      If your child is under the age of two,  we will invite you to our tot’s group to meet other parents who also have children with additional needs and provide support for parents and carers.

      We can visit you at home to listen and share information with you. We can signpost, help with form filling and if your child requires it, with an Education/Health/Care plan, we can also offer advice on everyday issues.

      We will ensure you are kept up to date with any changes within the system. We will work in partnership with you, if you require we will attend statutory meetings with you. We will attend hospital appointments as an extra pair of hands or ears.

      We will invite you to our support groups and family drop in. You are also invited to come to our AGM and if you wish, to be a member of our committee.

      You will receive a termly newsletter with an update of the group’s events and news. We will always be there to listen.

      Our Tots group is just for up to three year olds with additional needs. Nursery for two to four year olds. 

      Phone to make an appointment to visit: 01206 860 467